Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Zach Hodges

This week we interview Zach Hodges of the Marketing Team here at ‘The 119.’

Q: Hey Zach! Thanks for letting us interview you. So what is your favorite part of working at ‘The 119?’
Zach: “It’s really great because everyone works together to find a way to produce the newspaper.”

Q: If you had one superpower, what would it be?

Zach: “Probably flight, because my brother is afraid of flying, and I’d like to be able to fly him around so that he could experience what it’s like.”

Q: Awesome! That’s very thoughtful of you.  What is one thing you wish that people knew about ‘The 119?’
Zach: “I wish that people knew it was here! I’m on the Marketing Team, and I would like people to be able to be more involved.”

Q: If you could eat dinner with anyone, past or present, who would it be, and why?
Zach: “George Washington.  He was a great leader, and definitely one of my role models.”

Q: What is your vision for ‘The 119?’
Zach: “I hope it continues to the end of the year and possibly beyond!”

Q: If you could trademark a phrase for yourself, what would it be?
Zach: Hmm… “Do things that are difficult for you, don’t always focus on what is easy.”

Q: Thanks, Zach!

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