Thursday, December 3, 2015

Casey Dang

This week we interview Casey Dang here at ‘The 119.’

Q: Hey Casey! Thanks for letting us interview you. So what is your job at ‘The 119?’
Casey: “I’m not really sure.  I help with copy editing and the art team with their contests.  I do a bit of everything!”

Q: If you had one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Casey: “Probably sushi.  I’m a very picky eater, and I can’t think of anything really exciting.”   
Q: Since you are involved in many areas of the newspaper, what would you recommend a first time reader check out? 
Casey: “Probably Fashion, because it’s really full of quality, and they spend a lot of time getting their work right.”

Q: Awesome! If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Casey: “The ability to fly so that I could travel the world.”

Q: What would you improve about ‘The 119?’
Casey: “Be more organized.  We try to set dates to publish articles throughout the week, but usually we only end up publishing on Thursday or Friday.”

Q: If you could trademark a phrase for yourself, what would it be?
Casey: “Live your life to the fullest.”